Academic ODD Programs Overview

Kids Spending Time in School

Academic Programs Overview

Over the past four years I have worked with ODD students, and I have also extensively studied a wide range of research on the common learning habits, and traits of ODD students. Most importantly, I have studied the common strengths of ODD students. Using the extensive knowledge I gained through these experiences, I then formulated a comprehensive range of academic lessons and learning activities specifically designed for ODD students, focusing on a strength-based approach. By catering everything towards the strengths, needs and interests of ODD students, we are more likely to engage ODD students and help them achieve closer to their fullest potential. I believe that this will give the student greater self-confidence, discipline, improved social skills, and so much more! Please note that all lessons and academic programs created by us are designed to meet Australian Curriculum outcomes, meaning that students are still learning the content and skills expected of them for their particular grade. Most programs have been tested in person with students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder – the rest are currently in the process of being tested with relevant students.


Please note that my academic programs for ODD students only cover select outcomes of the Australian Curriculum for each grade –  the programs are not yet big enough to cover everything in the Australian Curriculum. Please contact me through the About and Contact Information section if you have any questions.